Spectrum Details
NP-MRD ID:NP0001322
Compound name:Pimelic acid
Spectrum type:1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 500 MHz, H2O, experimental)
Spectrum View
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Peak Assignment Table
Row No.Cluster MidpointNo. PeaksCoupling TypeNo. H'sAtom No.Peak Centers (ppm)
No Clusters
Experimental Conditions
Sample Assessment:Excellent
Spectrum Assessment:Excellent
Instrument Type:Varian
Frequency:500 MHz
Sample pH:7.00
Sample Temperature:25.0 Celsius
Chemical Shift Reference:DSS
Document DescriptionDownloadFile Size
List of chemical shift values for the spectrum (CSV)Download file254 Bytes
Peak Assignments (PNG)Download file102 KB
Spectra Image with Peak Assignments (PNG)Download file102 KB
Raw Spectrum Image (GIF)Download file3.2 KB
nmrML File (NMRML)Download file675 KB
JCAMP-DX File (JDX)Download file290 KB
Raw Free Induction Decay (FID) File for Spectral Processing (Varian) (FID20121204-87231-1NMUTSP)Download file81.2 KB
Validation ReportNot AvailableNot Available
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