Np mrd loader

Record Information
Created at2022-09-04 00:50:13 UTC
Updated at2022-09-04 00:50:14 UTC
NP-MRD IDNP0185432
Secondary Accession NumbersNone
Natural Product Identification
Common Name(2r,3r,4s,5s,6r)-2-[(2s,3r)-2-{4-[(1r,3as,4r,6as)-4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-hexahydrofuro[3,4-c]furan-1-yl]-2-methoxyphenoxy}-3-hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)propoxy]-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxane-3,4,5-triol
Description(2R,3R,4S,5S,6R)-2-[(2S,3R)-2-{4-[(1R,3aS,4R,6aS)-4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-hexahydrofuro[3,4-c]furan-1-yl]-2-methoxyphenoxy}-3-hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)propoxy]-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxane-3,4,5-triol belongs to the class of organic compounds known as lignan glycosides. These are aromatic polycyclic compounds containing a carbohydrate component glycosidically linked to a lignan moiety. They include 1-aryltetralin lactones. (2r,3r,4s,5s,6r)-2-[(2s,3r)-2-{4-[(1r,3as,4r,6as)-4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-hexahydrofuro[3,4-c]furan-1-yl]-2-methoxyphenoxy}-3-hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)propoxy]-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxane-3,4,5-triol is found in Baccharis dracunculifolia. It was first documented in 2022 (PMID: 36057864). Based on a literature review a significant number of articles have been published on (2R,3R,4S,5S,6R)-2-[(2S,3R)-2-{4-[(1R,3aS,4R,6aS)-4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-hexahydrofuro[3,4-c]furan-1-yl]-2-methoxyphenoxy}-3-hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)propoxy]-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxane-3,4,5-triol (PMID: 36057863) (PMID: 36057862) (PMID: 36057861) (PMID: 36057860).
SynonymsNot Available
Chemical FormulaC36H44O15
Average Mass716.7330 Da
Monoisotopic Mass716.26802 Da
IUPAC NameNot Available
Traditional NameNot Available
CAS Registry NumberNot Available
InChI Identifier
Experimental Spectra
Not Available
Predicted Spectra
Spectrum TypeDescriptionDepositor IDDepositor OrganizationDepositorDeposition DateView
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 25 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 100 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 252 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 1000 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 50 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 200 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 75 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 300 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 101 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 400 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 126 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 500 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 151 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 600 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 176 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 700 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 201 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 800 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 226 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 900 MHz, H2O, predicted)Wishart LabWishart LabDavid Wishart2021-06-20View Spectrum
Chemical Shift Submissions
Not Available
Species of Origin
Species NameSourceReference
Baccharis dracunculifoliaLOTUS Database
Chemical Taxonomy
Description Belongs to the class of organic compounds known as lignan glycosides. These are aromatic polycyclic compounds containing a carbohydrate component glycosidically linked to a lignan moiety. They include 1-aryltetralin lactones.
KingdomOrganic compounds
Super ClassLignans, neolignans and related compounds
ClassLignan glycosides
Sub ClassNot Available
Direct ParentLignan glycosides
Alternative Parents
  • Lignan glycoside
  • Furanoid lignan
  • Furofuran lignan skeleton
  • Fatty acyl glycoside
  • Fatty acyl glycoside of mono- or disaccharide
  • Alkyl glycoside
  • Hexose monosaccharide
  • O-glycosyl compound
  • Glycosyl compound
  • Methoxyphenol
  • Anisole
  • Methoxybenzene
  • Furofuran
  • Phenoxy compound
  • Phenol ether
  • Alkyl aryl ether
  • Phenol
  • 1-hydroxy-2-unsubstituted benzenoid
  • Monocyclic benzene moiety
  • Fatty acyl
  • Benzenoid
  • Monosaccharide
  • Oxane
  • Tetrahydrofuran
  • Secondary alcohol
  • Organoheterocyclic compound
  • Ether
  • Dialkyl ether
  • Acetal
  • Polyol
  • Oxacycle
  • Aromatic alcohol
  • Organic oxygen compound
  • Alcohol
  • Primary alcohol
  • Hydrocarbon derivative
  • Organooxygen compound
  • Aromatic heteropolycyclic compound
Molecular FrameworkAromatic heteropolycyclic compounds
External DescriptorsNot Available
Physical Properties
StateNot Available
Experimental Properties
Melting PointNot AvailableNot Available
Boiling PointNot AvailableNot Available
Water SolubilityNot AvailableNot Available
LogPNot AvailableNot Available
Predicted Properties
HMDB IDNot Available
DrugBank IDNot Available
Phenol Explorer Compound IDNot Available
FoodDB IDNot Available
KNApSAcK IDNot Available
Chemspider IDNot Available
KEGG Compound IDNot Available
BioCyc IDNot Available
BiGG IDNot Available
Wikipedia LinkNot Available
METLIN IDNot Available
PubChem Compound162953708
PDB IDNot Available
ChEBI IDNot Available
Good Scents IDNot Available
General References
  1. Poon AWC, Hofstaetter L, Judd-Lam S: Social connectedness of carers: An Australian national survey of carers. Health Soc Care Community. 2022 Sep 4. doi: 10.1111/hsc.13987. [PubMed:36057864 ]
  2. Johnson-Laghi KA, Woo SM, Zafar Z, Fernandez S, Desale S, Robertazzi SE, Smith CI, Thomas AM, Lalos AT, Georgia SJ, Jenkins ML, Faust TW, Fishbein TM, Satoskar RS, Rangnekar AS, Hsu CC: Alcohol-associated liver disease predicts increased post-liver transplant opioid use. Clin Transplant. 2022 Sep 4:e14811. doi: 10.1111/ctr.14811. [PubMed:36057863 ]
  3. Michael GC, Grema BA, Ashimi AO, Olawumi AL, Umar ZA, Mahmoud Z, Aji SA: Predictors of Satisfaction with Wound Care Services in an Outpatient Setting in Kano, Nigeria. West Afr J Med. 2022 Aug 31;39(8):800-807. [PubMed:36057862 ]
  4. Jouglar E, Laprie A, Isfan F, Dumont B, Thebaud E, Escande A, Supiot S: Locoregional failure after postoperative flank irradiation for nephroblastoma: Results from the French cohort of the SIOP-2001 trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2022 Sep 4:e29950. doi: 10.1002/pbc.29950. [PubMed:36057861 ]
  5. Ruiu L, Marche MG, Mura ME, Tarasco E: Involvement of a novel Pseudomonas protegens strain associated with entomopathogenic nematode infective juveniles in insect pathogenesis. Pest Manag Sci. 2022 Sep 4. doi: 10.1002/ps.7166. [PubMed:36057860 ]
  6. LOTUS database [Link]